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Spunky, the Interactive Cat

This video says, "Hey mom!  Put that camera down and play with me!"  So I did!

Spunky is not a "decorative" cat.  He is not one of those cats that people like to have so that they can sit around the house and make it look good.  (I mean - he does look good - but he doesn't sit around too much!)  Spunky is interactive.  He's in your face, on your lap, purring, playing, talking - hanging out with you!  If you want a cat who won't ignore you, Spunky's the guy for you!  I always feel bad when I have to leave the foster room because I know he'd love me to hang out with him longer.  He cries for a little bit after I go, but he settles down when he realizes I won't be back for awhile.  But every time I come into the room again I am greeted enthusiastically!  And he doesn't require me to play with him all the time - I think he just likes knowing there's someone else around.  I am pretty sure Spunky would get along with other animals because he has such a confident and positive personality.  Remember - he can't be housed with other cats as he could potentially spread a virus to other felines.  But if you've got a "catless" home right now, you won't regret adding this interactive fellow to it! 


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